A STG-like lazy evaluation mechanism in JavaScript

lazy.js provides a lazy evaluation mechanism inspired by the eval/apply version of STG used in Haskell before (I believe). You can define and evaluate lazy computations in JavaScript using this library.
Let’s see what you can do with lazy.js first.
Fixed-point combinator
The definition of the fix
function in Haskell is one of the most beautiful things in the world. (Don’t you think so?)
fix :: (a -> a) -> a
fix f = let x = f x in x
This mind-blowing definition of the fix
function is possible in lazy.js!!
const fix = Fun((f) => {
const x = Thunk(() => f(x));
return x;
With this fix
function you can define the factorial function for example:
const factBody = Fun((f, n) =>
Case(n, {
[0]: () => 1,
default: (n) => {
const fm = Thunk(() => f(n - 1));
return mul(n, fm);
const fact = Thunk(() => fix(factBody));
const main = Thunk(() => {
const factN = Thunk(() => fact(10));
return traceInt(factN);
// Prints 3628800
Infinite list of Fibonacci numbers
fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
This well-known definition of the Fibonacci sequence is also possible.
const fibs = Thunk(() => {
const xs = Thunk(() => tail(fibs));
const ys = Thunk(() => zipWith(add, fibs, xs));
const zs = Thunk(() => Cons(1n, ys));
return Cons(0n, zs);
const main = Thunk(() => {
const ns = Thunk(() => map(traceInt, fibs));
return rnfList(ns);
// Infinitely prints Fibonacci numbers
For more examples, check out the repository.
To define a lazy computation, use the Fun
, Con
, Case
, and Thunk
constructors. Then, evaluate the computation using the Evaluate
A set of functions is provided in prelude.js
for convenience, including list operations and arithmetic operations.
is a constructor for a function. The resulting function is curried, and partial application is handled automatically.
const flip = Fun((f, x, y) => f(y, x));
// can be used like
... flip(sub, 1) ...
is for defining a data constructor.
Unlike Fun
, Con
must be applied with all the arguments at once.
const Nil = Con("Nil");
const Cons = (x, xs) => Con("Cons", x, xs);
is for defining a lazy computation.
The result of the computation is memoized after the first evaluation.
As in the papers, you can only apply functions and constructors to variables (Fun
ctions, Thunk
s, or function arguments) and numbers in lazy.js.
So you will have to wrap most expressions with Thunk
const pred = Thunk(() => flip(sub, 1));
const num = Thunk(() => pred(43));
Evaluate(traceInt(num)); // Prints 42
A Case
expression takes a computation to be analyzed (a scrutinee) and a dictionary of alternatives as functions.
The scrutinee need not be a variable or a number.
is a special key for the default alternative.
const filter = Fun((p, xs) =>
Case(xs, {
Nil: () => Nil,
Cons: (x, xs) =>
Case(p(x), {
True: () => {
const ys = Thunk(() => filter(p, xs));
return Cons(x, ys);
False: () => filter(p, xs),
const seq = Fun((x, y) => Case(x, { default: (_) => y }));
As in the examples above, numbers and bigints can be used directly in the code.
lazy.js extends the Number
and BigInt
prototypes internally to enable this.
lazy.js does not depend on any external libraries, so it works in any JavaScript environment. I tested only in Deno, though.
- Making a fast curry: push/enter vs. eval/apply for higher-order languages
2004, Simon Marlow, Simon Peyton Jones, - Implementing lazy functional languages on stock hardware: the Spineless Tagless G-machine
1992, Simon Peyton Jones, - STG Version 2.5 の動作